No.8 on our site map - 2 locations on site (near polytunnel and near woodland glade/cabin)

Single file, ladies and gentlemen please!

As we are a rural site who is also focused on sustainability, we use compostable (or com-poo-stable!) loos on our site.

This means that instead of flushing, any waste is composted. These are very hygienic, there is no smell and they are simple to use… you just need to remember to use them slightly differently to a normal toilet. Please see our image for instructions on how to use!

Fresh water handwashing and sanitising stations are also located here. 

Our composting loos can be found in two places on site: 


Using them is simple... it just takes a little getting used to!


This project was initially made possible thanks to funding received from the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC)